All Calories are Not Created Equal
   For years, we’ve been told that healthy weight loss is
as simple as taking in fewer calories than you expend. After all, a calorie is a
calorie, right? Wrong. 

   Energy density refers to the number of calories, whereas
nutrient density refers to the amount of nutrients in a certain amount of food.
Dieters might be tempted to reach for today’s popular packaged low-calorie
snacks. The problem, according to experts, is that despite being low in
calories, processed foods usually have fewer vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
the body needs to operate at its peak. A large apple might have the same number
of calories as a bag of low-fat pretzels. But reaching for the apple means you
also get more vitamins, antioxidants and fber. 

   Recent research shows that optimal health (and weight
loss) is better achieved through more nutritious food, not just fewer calories.
A study by Harvard researchers found that food quality (nutrients), not just
quantity (calories) contributed to weight loss. Those who consumed foods with
higher nutrient density such as vegetables and whole grains, had healthier body
weights than those who consumed more processed foods and beverages. 

The Price of Healthy Weight

   Despite what we know about so-called “empty” calories,
most Americans continue to consume them. Part of the reason could be that foods
with a higher nutrient density are much more expensive than foods with no
nutrition. A University of Washington study published in the Journal of the
American Dietetic Association
showed that energy-dense foods cost an
average of $1.76 per 1,000 calories, while nutrient-dense foods cost $18.16 for
the same number of calories. Optimal nutrition comes at a higher cost. But the
health benefits are worth the price. 

Be Satisfed. Lose Weight.

   Satiety is a major factor in achieving weight loss.
According to Dr. Barbara Rolls, Director of the Laboratory for the Study of
Human Ingestive Behavior at Penn State University, people feel full because of
the volume of food eaten, not because of the number of calories. In this
respect, eating foods with high water and fber content such as fruits and
vegetables can help you lose weight. 

Superfoods for Simple Weight Loss

   Avocadoes, pomegranates and cinnamon are so-called
“super- foods” that have gained recent attention as science uncovers nutrients
working synergistically for better health results. Plant-based proteins are
powerful superfoods because they satiate hunger while providing added nutrients,
all without any cholesterol or high levels of saturated fats. 

   For example, soy and many varieties of nuts are
considered superfoods because of their many nutritional benefts. Researchers at
Iowa State University discovered two additional properties of soy that boost
weight loss beyond simply cutting calories. The Iowa State study showed that
consuming soy protein rich in isoflavones decreases fat deposition (storage)
while increasing muscle mass. 

   In a Swedish study published by the Department of
Medical and Health Sciences, researchers at Linkoping University fed test
subjects 20 extra daily calories worth of candy or peanuts for each half pound
of body weight. After two weeks, they found that the candy snackers gained three
times as much weight as the peanut snackers, even though the number of calories
consumed was the same. 

A Letter from Reliv's Dr. Carl

   We all know an ideal diet consists of mostly fresh,
whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean meats vs. processed junk food. But, even
the most conscientious eater can often fall victim to the unhealthy convenience
foods so prevalent today. It’s one reason supplementation is so important. 

   Like all Reliv products,
Slimplicity® is formulated with the same
principles of synergism found in nature’s superfoods. As science discovers more
about what makes these foods so “super,” Reliv continues to develop products
that harness the same powerful nutrients. 

   I’m often asked why Slimplicity works when other diets
don’t. The answer lies in satiety and nutrient density. Each Slimplicity shake
has 10 grams of soy protein to keep hunger at bay and is loaded with vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants to keep your body functioning at optimal levels. 

   So, enjoy your Slimplicity shakes — they’re calories
well spent! 

   To your health, Reliv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific
Officer Dr. Carl W. Hastings

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